Word on the streets is RCKT. has a new office space. It’s true: we’ve moved out of the Saarbrücker Straße and into a cozy space right next to Gendarmenmarkt. And by cozy we mean an airy sixth-floor penthouse with a killer view of Mitte.

I think this adequately sums up how we’re feeling right now.

But it’s not without a bit of melancholy. Saarbrücker Straße might have been our home for a scant five months, but it’s where we first cut our teeth as an agency. We had a lot of ups, a few downs and all the feels in between. We signed a handful of new clients, pitched even more, failed fast and then analyzed those failures to see how we could improve. At the same time we sought out new talent, growing our staff to its present size of nearly 50 employees.

Those growing pains have helped us identify what we strive for as an agency. We’re young, we’re ambitious and we’re digital. We feel comfortable in this space. Increasingly, though, we’ve discovered that our partners want to equip themselves to handle the upcoming digital change. So in addition to content creation and PR, we help businesses embrace a digital way of life. This is something that co-founder Nils Seger touched on at Gründen heute recently in Hanover.

Digital transformation has morphed into the agency buzzphrase of 2015. And with reason: businesses want to find more engaging ways to interact with their customers. But just as social media strategy isn’t a Twitter account, digital change requires more than a few superficial installs. What we champion is a full reprogramming of a company’s culture (don’t worry, it’s completely non-invasive).

Our founder, Andreas Winiarski, expanded on this in an interview with Gründerfreunde (leider nur auf Deutsch).

These changes were the reason we needed to bid adieu to Saarbrücker Straße. First, we were busting at the seams. Can’t hire people if there’s no where to put them. Second, our new space is outfitted with more meeting space and a few other accoutrements that are necessary in a startup environment (Tischtennis, Kicker, etc.).

We’re excited about our new space, no doubt, but we also needed to send off the old office in style. For a behind-the-scenes look into the RCKT. culture, check out the video that our production guru Maks put together of our most-recent party, which started with a group Schnitzeljagd (scavenger hunt) and ended with a cookout on the lawn (rain and darkness be damned).

BTW, our coffee invitation still stands. We even brought the machine with us. Make your way down to Charlottenstraße 60 and introduce yourself.