Newton von Matt joined RCKT. as a summer intern, working with a variety of different teams on creative projects. He’s now off to finish his studies at Zeppelin Universität at the Bodensee, but we wanted to mark his time with us by showcasing the tools and toys that decorated his workspace.

Editor’s note: starting next week the Workplace Essentials series is taking a bit of a pause. But we’ll be back soon with another regular feature aimed at showcasing the faces behind our growing agency. 

1) Water

The essence of all lives.

2) Medicine

Some tissues I brought since it’s my last week at RCKT. Jokes apart, I brought medicine to cure my weekend’s souvenirs. Nevertheless, I will really miss you guys 🙂

3) Helmut Newton Polaroids

 A polaroid collection from one of my favourite photographers, Helmut Neustädter, aka Helmut Newton. We do not only share the same name, but also the taste of photography. R.I.P. Helmut – your brother from another mother.

 4) Wonderwood

Aquilaria malaccensis is a Southeast Asian major source of agarwood, a wonderwood used for perfume and incense. When you burn it, the smoke rises to air and makes your environment smell like nothing else. It’s truly sick. Don’t ask where I got this.

5) Money

Some Polish money I found in my pocket from a weekend trip to Silesia. I urge you to pay a visit to a really underrated countryside, less than four hours from Berlin. The former 100 Deutsche Mark bank note is actually a flyer from the German Historical Museum which is really impressive if you are interested in European History.