Bruno Park joined as a junior communications manager in May 2015. He hails from Sau Paulo, Brazil, a fact which sometimes baffles Europeans because Bruno has Korean roots. But as you can see from his curated Workplace Essentials, the Brazilian culture is something that Bruno identifies with closely. Our jack-of-all-trades also handles creative content at RCKT., putting his design skills to work on creating slick-looking presentations and infographics.

1. Brazilian national team jersey

Most people get really confused when I tell them I am from Brazil, specially the Germans. So everywhere I travel, I always carry my jersey to remind me of home. But unlike most Brazilians, I suck at playing football. I did have lots of football classes growing up, but I guess it was never for me. 😛

Editor’s Note: (7-1! Das war der Wahhhhnsinnnnnn!

2. Cachaça

It is our national alcoholic beverage and also a reminder of home. It is the main ingredient of a good caipirinha! I brought a few bottles from home but I already gave away most of them (I did not drink it). I am saving this one for a special occasion! ☺

3. iPhone 5C

I bought it when I was studying in China-Beijing. Since most apps on android platforms are blocked and monitored there, so an iPhone with a VPN was necessary. Its screen already broke 3 times and counting. So after all that, I consider it a battle buddy.

4. Vintage RayBan Sunglasses

These are actually vintage, I stole it from my dad and he had those for decades.

5. Matte Leão

I was not aware that Germany also have its own version of mate tea (Club Mate). So I brought one pack of Natural Matte tea from home to give me energy throughout the day. It gives me energy after a long day at work to enjoy the rest of the day and even go to gym.

6. Tea

There are two types of people in the world. Coffee drinkers and tea drinkers. I start my day with a cup of tea with honey and lemon. Maybe it’s a part of my Asian heritage.